Forget the props he got from Rihanna recently. It's Cody Ross's unique point of view, constantly morphing and mutating his Priestess NYC line with a tantalizing cross-section of coolness, cosmopolitanism, wearability and straight-up fun. Even Walter Van Beirendonck would be intrigued by Cody’s fashion propositions.
After a few cocktails chez lui, Cody agreed to a spur of the moment Q & A.
What’s hot right now in fashion?
Atalanta Weller, Anne Pachan’s swimwear line “Cala Ossidiana”,
Jean-Pierre Braganza, Millie Cockton, Hannah Marshall and Gemma Slack! Oh, and I just previewed Pleasure Principle’s new range and it’s impossibly cool!
What’s in your ipod?
Die Antwoord, Dommin, Depeche Mode, Boyz II Men, Lucas Banker,
Isaac Mutant.
What visual art have you been eyeing?
Leon Botha, Marianne Aulie, and Banksy & Co.
Where do you shop?
Seven NY and cool showrooms around the city.
Do aliens exist?
Yeah, but a hundred billion galaxies away (making contact could be seriously risky!).
What are you reading these days?
Chris Trela’s super-cool new book “The Autobiography & Sex Life of Andy Warhol.”
Wow! You should meet Lindsay of Outlaws of the Border. She's reading alot about Warhol lately too. Maybe it's in the air!
Who’s your favorite ‘it’ girl?
SIGRED AGREN or anyone who looks like her! And lately I’m crazy for that Israeli girl, Luda Dolgun!
If you could clone a girl and then make out with the both of them tonight who would it be? Melissa B.
Who has cool style?
Brittany Kubat and Yo-Landi Vi$$er from Die Antwoord. And of course, Katya from Style Defined!
Ha! Okay, cool. Thanks!
Lydia Hearst in Priestess NYC
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